Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sorcery! Attempt 14 - Books 1-4

My regular readers will be aware that I've been having all sorts of trouble reaching book 4 of the Sorcery! epic.  Despite these failures, I don't feel like that time has been wasted. I'm now very familiar with Books 1-3, and am pretty sure that I've found the optimum path through all of them. Now, dice willing, I shouldn't have too much hassle getting to The Crown of Kings, and taking a real crack at finishing this series up once and for all.

For my 14th attempt, I rolled Skill 10, Stamina 18 and Luck 10. The dice gods were starting out by showing some kindness.

I know I'd said that I thought I'd found the optimum path, but sometimes it's hard not to go exploring. I realised that I'd never been into the dark passageway behind the blind goblin in the Schanker Mines, so I decided to risk it and take a look; if I failed, at least it I wouldn't have lost much time. The tunnel collapsed as I entered, and I decided to throw myself forward rather than retreat. Groping in the dark, I found a pair of Borrinskin Boots, which I know will get some sort of reaction out of the snake charmer in Book 3. The tunnel soon emerged into daylight, and I was able to resume my quest and finish book 1 with no trouble. (In the end, I didn't follow the path to the snake charmer, and I traded the boots in somewhere along the way. I'm not sure you can visit him and defeat all of the Archmage's serpents.)

Book 2 was similarly easy, although I did have a ridiculous battle at the end that featured myself, two harpies, two summoned goblins, and a blind beggar. It resulted in an excessive amount of dice rolling, so I won't be casting GOB during that battle again any time soon.

In Book 3 I followed the same path as my last attempt, except this time I turned right instead of left after fighting the Fire Serpent in the Forest of Snatta. I found Fenestra, so I was able to summon the ferryman and make it across Lake Ilklala to the end of the book. Along the way I killed all seven of the Archmage's serpents, which grants loads of benefits: not just the seven clues from the serpent ring, but a +2 bonus to initial Skill, a +1 bonus to initial Luck, and the option to start Book 4 at reference 237 instead of reference 1.

As I started Book 4, I had a Skill of 12, a Stamina of 18, and a Luck of 12. I had no gold, 1 provision, and I was carrying the following: a backpack, a bamboo pipe, a broadsword (+1 attack strength), a silver key with the number 111, an Armband of Swordmastery (+2 attack strength with swords), a green wig, a mirror, a lucky talisman, 4 goblin teeth, a giant's tooth, a bow and silver arrows, some snake-bite antidote, a tinderbox, another broadsword (-1 attack strength, but +1 damage), a galehorn, a chakram, a crystal orb, a brass pendulum, a hewing axe, a suit of chainmail (+1 Skill, -1 damage on a roll of 5-6), and Sham's Vial. Using my best items, I could have an effective Skill of 16.  Using my second broadsword, I would have an effective Skill of 14, but deal 3 point of damage per blow. The foes in Sorcery! rarely have a high skill, so I was using this one more often than not.

The seven clues I had garnered from the serpents were as follows:

  1. Four guards protect the entrance to the Fortress of Mampang.
  2. Offer no gold to Valignya if you value your life.
  3. Eat not from the larder of Throg if your journey should cause you to meet her.
  4. Beware the breath of the Mucalytics.
  5. In the dark chamber of night, do not light your way with the blood candle.
  6. Pay respect to Naggamanteh the torture master should you meet him.
  7. The Archmage is not as he seems. He may be disguised in Mampang.

Before starting out, I had a look at reference 237. As I had defeated all of the serpents, the Archmage had no idea I was coming. If at any point during The Crown of Kings someone referred to me as "Analander", I could subtract 40 from the reference and turn there instead. Hopefully the element of surprise will help me win through.

My quest resumed at the base of the Zanzunu Peaks; I climbed up through the foothills until evening. I had the option of three caves to take shelter in: one was small, one had hoof-prints outside, and the other had no markings to distinguish it. I chose the latter of these, feeling my way into the darkness. It seemed to be uninhabited, but there were still some dark recesses at the back that I hadn't checked. Not wanting to take any risks, I double-checked the shadows. My foot kicked something soft, and a large animal reared up and knocked me sprawling (reducing my Stamina to 16). It was a Skunkbear (Skill 7, Stamina 6), and I decided to draw my sword and take some revenge on the vile thing.


Before the battle, I cast a DOZ spell (reducing its Skill to 4, and my Stamina to 14) . I killed the Skunkbear in just two quick blows, but not before it could spray the cave with its foul stench. (This happens after two rounds of combat. The thing is, I killed it in the second round, so it shouldn't have been able to spray its stench at all. Had it still been alive my Skill would have been reduced by 2 for the rest of the battle.) I left the cave, returning to sleep only when the smell had dissipated. I was refreshed by my sleep, but quite hungry as I had not eaten at all the day before (reducing my Stamina to 13).

Further up the mountains, the trail split in two. The left path led to a bridge (where you may recall I died in Attempt 10 while investigating a nest), but I ignored it and went right. As I climbed, a spear whizzed past my head and shattered on the rocks. I took cover, but before I did I caught a glimpse of my attackers and their disturbing boobs.

One for the furries

They were she-satyrs, which explained the hoof-prints I had seen on the path earlier. (Apparently I could have met one earlier in the book. I suspect it's in one of the caves.)  I cast a SUS spell (reducing my Stamina to 11), but there was no trap to warn me about aside from the obvious. They told me to step forward, calling me a "weak-bowelled cur", and explain my business.  Being rather proud of my bowel-strength, I fired back with some equally choice insults. This amused their leader, and they decided that I should accompany them back to their village. I agreed to go with them.

At the village I was taken to see Sh'houri, their leader. Rather than wait to see what she would do with me, I started regaling her with tales of my great exploits. Other she-satyrs gathered, enraptured by my tale, but saddened by the death of the boatman of Ilklala (did I leave out the part where I totally murdered him?). Once my tale was finished, Sh'houri told me what she knew of Mampang. Four "Throben Doors" blocked passage to the inner keep, each one deadly to those who didn't know how to open it. She also gave me a hardwood spear, saying that I should find Colletus the Holy Man and get him to bless it. (When I found the place I thought Colletus to be, I was instructed to subtract 30 from that paragraph to summon him.) Finally, I was shown a collection of artefacts that would help me with my spells, and told me that I could take any so long as I left behind an item from my own pack. I didn't want to get rid of anything, so I didn't take any of Sh'houri's items.

I continued on, getting closer to Mampang, and came to an alcove where I stopped to eat. Written on the wall of the alcove was a message from Colletus, warning travellers to turn back from Mampang. It said I could meet him at the Groaning Bridge. I finished my meal (restoring my Stamina to 13) and marched on.

Soon the path split in two. One path continued on, and the other stopped at a crevasse. There was a rope for travellers to swing across, but I thought better of it took the path. It curved around, and the crevasse was blocking my way to Mampang, but I soon came to a bridge. As soon as I stepped on it, the boards gave a low moan. Every step produced a moan, and although the bridge was sturdy enough I was loathe to cross it. Besides, this was obviously the place where I might find Colletus, so I called out to summon him (subtracting 30 from the current paragraph).

Colletus appeared, and with his eyes painted black it was obvious that he was blind. I asked for his services as a holy man, deciding to steer clear of the subject of Mampang for now. He blessed my spear when I asked, and I then told him about my quest. He explained that the destruction of Mampang had once been his own mission in life, but the cursed gods of the fortress had struck him blind. He also explained the the Groaning Bridge was an illusion, and that halfway across I would have been dropped into the crevasse. The true bridge was invisible, and he summoned it with a wave of the hand. Finally, he gifted me with a medicinal potion and a vial of holy water, before wishing me "the luck of Cheelah". (This raised my initial Luck to 13. At this point, I had probably the strongest character I'd ever played in any Fighting Fantasy, with the possible exception of the Silver Crusader.)

I crossed the real bridge, and followed the path around into the mountain pass leading to Mampang. The sight of the fortress was unnerving (resulting in the temporary loss of 1 Skill point). I crept forward cautiously, looking for guards. I passed a guard post where two drunken sentries were asleep, and I was able to slip quietly past them (with a successful Luck test that reduced my score to 12.)

They love a horned skull in Mampang.

Further on I found a place to hide and rest before my ordeal in Mampang. As I slept, I was contacted in a dream by my goddess Libra. She said that she was proud of my progress, and informed me that I would not be able to call on her help with the fortress. She also told me of a secret door that one of her followers had once used to escape Mampang, and gave me the password. (When I wanted to try this password, I could subtract 92 from the current paragraph.)

I woke up hungry (reducing my Stamina to 12). Reasoning that I should use my prayer to Libra now while I still could, I had her restore me to full strength.

In the darkness before sunrise I crept up to the main gate. I didn't think a spell would be helpful so I knocked on the gate, then hid on the ledge above. A guard came out to investigate, and I decided to nip inside while he was distracted.

Do I have a torso? Or are my eyes in my groin?

Unfortunately there was another guard there, and I soon found myself surrounded. I took one of them out with a DIM spell (reducing my Stamina to 16), which caused him to rave like a beast, but I still had to fight the remaining three.

Even with superior numbers the guards were no match for me, and I killed all three without them wounding me at all. Only the fourth one caused me any trouble, striking me from behind in his beast-like frenzy (and reducing my Stamina to 14).

Nipping inside, I saw doors to the left and right, and some double doors ahead. The latter of these was probably the first of the Throben Doors I'd been warned of, so I went left instead. The door wasn't locked but its hinges were squeaky. I tried my best to open it quietly, and luckily the noise did not alert anyone (this required a Luck test that reduced my score to 12). Beyond was a short passage, with a door at the end and a door on the right. I investigated the door ahead.

I could hear voices from inside, and stopped to listen, but before I could react the door opened and I was dragged inside by a trio of Black Elves. They insulted me and the paleness of my skin, and I decided to laugh and play along by quipping that at least it meant I would not lose myself in the dark. They found this amusing, and I pushed ahead with another racist joke. Luckily, I was able to calm them down (with a Luck test that reduced my score to 11).

Just a couple of friendly racists.

I asked them how to get further into the fortress. They explained that I'd need a key to get through the Throben Door, saying that I might try being charming to the guards across the way. I went back to the double doors, and this time took the door on the right.

There were voices behind this door as well, and listening I overheard a conversation about Birdmen, and a group known as the Samaritans of Schinn. One of the guards got up to check on the front gate guards, so I hid behind the door as it opened. It was a poor hiding place, and I was soon spotted by the guard (Skill 8, Stamina 6). He managed to wound me (reducing my Stamina to 12) before I could kill him. A second guard stepped out behind him (Skill 7, Stamina 7) but I made short work of him.

Inside a drawer in the guard room I found a key, and I was able to use it to unlock the double doors. I had passed through the first of the Throben Doors!

Beyond was a courtyard, with inhabitants of the fortress milling about in small groups. I tried to cross without being noticed, but one group pointed me out and headed in my direction. Changing course, I moved around closer to another group, hoping to avoid them. The second group had a familiar look about them, and as I drew closer I saw that they were Red-Eyes, a people that I had encountered in Khare.

Are these three all wearing one cloak?

They beckoned me over, and I approached and told them I was from Khare. They were delighted that I hailed from their home, and asked me if I remembered the name of the high priest of Slangg. I was aware that I was being tested, so I replied truthfully that I had no idea. This was apparently the right thing to say, as they let me go peacefully on my way.

Moving on I saw a bundle of rags, but I also saw a group that looked familiar to me. My curiosity was piqued, so I went over the the group. They were Sightmasters, an order that used their special eyesight in service of Analand. I approached them quickly, wondering what purpose they had in Mampang.

Why did I ever trust these creepy motherfuckers?

They had recognised me as an outsider, and offered to give me advice for 3 gold pieces. I had no gold, so I had to refuse them. The Sightmasters were incensed, and drew their swords. Acting on a strange impulse, I pulled out my blessed spear. With ease I stabbed one through the eye, the other through the chest, and the other in the back as he was fleeing. (This isn't me embellishing things, it's just a rad moment straight from the text.) Nobody paid any attention to the battle I looted the corpses of the Sightmasters, finding 20 gold pieces, some sand, a vial of glue, a ring of green metal, and three provisions.

I came to two large wooden doors, which I suspected were the second Throben doors. In front of them was a metal pole, carved with faces and symbols, with axes and swords melded into the base. I decided to ignore this for now, and turn back to the doors. As I watched, a bulky creature approached the door and put his mouth close to the handle. They opened and he went through. I was still wary of the doors, so I decided to take a look at where the creature had come from.

In the right-hand corner of the courtyard I found a door, and went inside. I was greeted by a short stocky man, who asked if I was there to torment the Mucalytics. When I said that I wasn't, he exclaimed that surely I wasn't there to meet the spiny ones. There were two doors onwards, and I chose the one on the left, where the man had gestured when talking about the Mucalytics.

Beyond was a disgusting room covered in debris and thick slime. Slumped in a corner was a bulky creature with a trunk-like snout: a Mucalytic!

I'm not even touching this one.

It looked like it was trying to listen to me, so I stopped to talk to it. No matter how loudly I shouted, it seemed the creature couldn't hear me. It's own reply was little more than a croak. Remembering the serpent's warning about it's breath, I decided not to let it whisper in my ear, but when I tried to exit the room it attacked me. The Mucalytic (Skill 8, Stamina 9) was strong, but I was able to kill it without being harmed.  In the muck I found a rusty sword (which I didn't bother to take), a bracelet of bones, and 5 gold pieces.

There were two doors leading on, and I chose the one opposite where I had entered from. Inside I saw an alcove where I could rest and eat, but I decided to ignore it and enter another door with a sign: "Enter Only Those Who Will Pay the Price". Inside I saw a large man wearing a turban, with a jaguar lounging under his table.

Someone needs to cosplay this guy at FF Fest.

The man told me that I could not enter without paying him a gold piece. I countered by saying that he looked like he could use a bodyguard, and that I was offering my services. He decided to test me by making me fight his Jaguar (Skill 8, Stamina 7). I wounded the beast and allowed it to retreat. The man was impressed, but he still would not let me enter without payment. I learned that his name was Valignya, and my caution had paid off: I had been warned about giving gold to this man by the serpents. I continued to refuse payment, but he insisted that I give him something valuable from my pack. I gave him the Serpent Ring, and he informed me that I would need a password to get through the Throben Door: alaralatanalara. On the way out I snatched a pouch with 10 gold pieces from his desk (and restored my Luck to 13).

Heading back to the courtyard (and avoiding an encounter due to having arrived at Mampang in secrecy), I walked up to the Throben Door and said the password. It opened and I was able to pass through. (At this point I restored the Skill point I had lost due to fear at seeing the fortress. I'm not sure that there's a specific place that tells you to restore it, but I don't think there is. I figure that this counts as being inside.)

The path branched in two beyond the doors. One led to the keep's main gate, which looked to be guarded by Birdmen. The other led to a smaller door, with steam and voices coming from within. I entered the smaller door, into a kitchen.

She probably pays better than George Calombaris.

I tried to sneak through, but the kitchen mistress spotted me. Mistaking me for one of the Archmage's officers, she introduced herself as Throg and insisted that I have something to eat. I was led down into her larder, but once again I had been warned against this by the serpents. I refused to eat her food, until she became murderously angry. She attacked me (Skill 7, Stamina 7), but fled after I had wounded her a couple of times.

I left the kitchen through another exit. I could hear guards ahead, so I hid in an alcove where I accidentally opened a secret passage. The passage led beneath the ground level, eventually coming back up and ending in a door, which I opened. I was in a yard, beneath a cloister. Edging around I came to a short passage, where there were three doors. The one on the left had a sign that said "NYLOCK - Merchant - Open". I decided to ignore this door, and chose to go through the unmarked door on the right.

The passage beyond was dark, but I was forced to enter by the sound of approaching guards. Eventually it ended at another door, which I opened. Inside was a dirty living quarters.

I've lived in worse.

I decided to check the walls for secret passages. While I was searching a heavy portcullis dropped, barring my exit. I had wandered into a cell, and now I was captive. My adventure was over.


Aaaaahhhhhhhh! Done in by the absolute worst trick in the Steve Jackson playbook. Ian likes to get you for not having the correct items, but Steve likes to throw in a path somewhere that leads to inescapable death. For the most part he's a great designer, and his books are fair, but these moments are the biggest black mark on his record. It sucks to lose this way, and I've never been more tempted during the course of this blog to flip back and keep going from an earlier point. (And yes, I tried Libra's password here. No luck.) Still, I feel like I made some pretty good progress for my first proper venture into Mampang. If there aren't any more stupid moments like this one, I should be able to make it even further next time.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sorcery! Attempt 13 - Books 1-3

For my extremely lucky not at all a cursed number 13th attempt at Sorcery! I rolled a banger of a character: Skill 10, Stamina 22, Luck 9. I had a lot of confidence going into this game, and I was absolutely certain that I could get to Book 4. What could stop me with scores like those?

Predictably, I blasted my way through The Shamutanti Hills. I even got a little cocky at the end, and killed the Manticore with my sword after slowing it down with a DOZ spell. Normally I would fend it off with HOT and run away, but I was feeling a little bloodthirsty.

Khare - Cityport of Traps fell just as easily. With my Skill at the highest level, I took on the Deathwraith with the silver arrows, and didn't resort to calling on Libra for aid. This meant that I was able to start The Seven Serpents with maximum stats. Not only that, but with an enchanted broadsword and an armband of swordmastery, my effective Skill was 13. I had 29 gold pieces, 7 meals, and a bunch of items to help me cast spells and improve my chances in melee. Those earlier run-throughs - giving me a lot of familiarity with Book 1 and 2 - were paying off, as I was in the best shape I'd ever been heading in to Book 3.

My dominance continued with Book 3. I figured out how to avoid fighting the Nighthawks at the beginning.  I defeated the Moon Serpent, and bought a whole load of useful items from the Dark Elves. I met the Sham, and fought the Earth Serpent. My Stamina was holding up well, and everything was looking good.

Even better, when I got to the Forest of Snatta I took the left fork, and along the way I spotted a snake slithering through the underbrush. I followed it, suspecting that it might be the Fire Serpent, and sure enough when I got close enough it caused a nearby tree to explode into flames, badly singeing me.

I remembered to use my ring on the serpent, and got the following clue: "eat not from the larder of Throg if your journey should cause you to meet her".

I didn't have any particular idea how to defeat the Fire Serpent, but when asked if I "have something else in mind" I decided to check out the options. One of those options was to use some sand, and I had found a pouch earlier. I was able to smother the serpent's flames, and easily kill it with my sword.

At a junction further on I took the left-hand path, but as I stopped to rest I was attacked by a hungry bear. I tried to communicate with it using a YAP spell, but all it had to say was how hungry it was. I had to fight it, but with my Skill effectively at 14 now (augmented by a chainmail shirt I'd bought from the dark elves) I made short work of it.

After that I was out of the woods, and I had reached the edge of Lake Ilklala. Unfortunately, I had no way to cross, and without a way to summon the ferryman there was no way for me to continue. I was still alive, but my adventure was over.


Well, I turned left when I should have turned right, which might be the most Fighting Fantasy way of losing a gamebook there is. It's frustrating, because I was doing really well, and was on track to beating all seven of the Archmage's serpents. If I'd gone right, presumably I would have found Fenestra, and gotten the item I needed to summon the ferryman. The most frustrating thing is that my guy just gives up upon reaching the lake. Hey mate, just go back a mile or so, you'll find what you need! He doesn't even try to call on Libra for aid.  What a quitter.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Sorcery! Attempt 12 - Books 1-3

Another week, another attempt at completing the Sorcery! epic. Or should I say another attempt at actually getting to the last book? Because at the moment I'm struggling to even do that.

For my 12th crack at Sorcery! I rolled a Skill of 8, a Stamina of 18 and a Luck of 9. Not an outstanding character, but definitely a viable one. With luck I was pretty sure I'd make it through the first three books and into The Crown of Kings.

Book 1 presented me with little trouble. I even crossed a couple of mysteries off my list along the way. The first was to investigate the third tent in the Elvin village, which it turned out contained nothing but a Wolfhound. I killed it and took its studded collar, but all told it didn't seem worth missing the Schanker Mines for it. The other mystery was the second cave in the Land of the Great Ones, which turned out to be empty except for a few oddments, such as a net and a giant's skull. Again, I don't think it's worth skipping the encounter with Alianna, and the goodies she rewards you with.

The good new is that I'm pretty sure I've solved a riddle that's been nagging at me for years. Near the start of the book you meet an old man who gives you the following rhyme:

"See him though he sees you not;
The black-eyed creature creeps.
A guardian once, but now his lot:
The key to freedom keeps."

He then mentions that the Elvins are keen on finding this key. For a while I'd suspected that this referred to the blind goblin in the Schanker Mines, who does have a key on his person. I've never found a use for that key, however, and it turns out that he's not the only blind character in The Shamutanti Hills. On the way to the Land of the Great Ones, there's a blind beggar whose eyes are painted black, and if you throw him a coin he rewards you with a key. It turns out that he was a jailer in Khare, and sure enough if you get thrown in the cell with the Elvin in Book 2 you can use this key to get free.  All of this fits together, so I'm more than happy to close the book on this particular mystery.

I got through Book 2, but it did not treat me kindly: by the time I finished I had no food and just 3 Stamina points. I'd used my prayer to Libra to help defeat the Deathwraith, so a healing boost from her at the end of the book wasn't an option. As a consequence, I had to use my prayer for Book 3 very early on, so I was operating without that little safety buffer.

After visiting Shadrack and having a friendly encounter with some centaurs, I got them to take me to the Snake Charmer. I'm still convinced there's more to this encounter than meets the eye, but I still wasn't able to get anything out of him. After that I wandered north-east, eventually meeting the Sham and getting her Serpent Staff. Starvation and various other dangers had worn me down by this point, so I was really in danger at the point where I met the Earth Serpent.

Normally the trick to defeating the Earth Serpent is to blow it away with the Galehorn and the HUF spell, but because I only had 3 Stamina points I decided not to risk it; I couldn't remember how many points that spell drained. Instead I tried to lift it with my bare hands, which required a successful test against both Skill and Luck. Alas, I failed the Luck test, and the Earth Serpent bit me to death.

Well, I think it's time to stop exploring off the beaten path, especially in Book 1. If I'd stuck to my usual route and gotten the Armband of Swordmastery from Alianna, I probably wouldn't have been quite so beat up at the end of Book 2, and would have been able to take on the Earth Serpent with no problems. If I can't make it to Book 4 on the next attempt, this is going to start looking embarrassing.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Sorcery! Attempt 11 - Books 1 & 2

After my absurdly short attempt at The Crown of Kings, it's back to the very beginning of the Sorcery! saga. I don't mind, to be honest. It's been a few years since I've tackled the series, and it'll be nice to hit book 4 with a character that I still have some connection to.

For my eleventh attempt, I rolled a Skill of 6, a Stamina of 16, and a Luck of 8.  There are times when rolling four of the same number would be a cause for celebration, but rolling four twos isn't one of them. I was already worried about that low Skill score.

My first bit of bother happened during The Shamutanti Hills. I investigated the Schanker Mines, and the battles with the blind Goblin and the Ogre brought me all the way down to 1 Stamina. With rest and food I was eventually able to get my strength back, and beat the book. I took the route past the witch Alianna, and got from her the Armband of Swordmastery to increase my Skill in combat.

Things started well in Khare - Cityport of Traps, as I was able to remember how to get the first two lines of the spell to open the North Gate. Getting the third. from the tomb, was where I hit real trouble, in the form of the Deathwraith.

The Deathwraith has a Skill of 9 and a Stamina of 8, which isn't too difficult, but it can only be killed with a silver arrow. To hit the wraith requires not only beating it in a regular combat round, but also rolling two dice and scoring under your Skill. With a Skill of 6, I wasn't able to do either. and the Deathwraith killed me easily.

Now I'm starting to wonder if I've been beating this encounter fairly. I had a sword that gave me a +1 bonus to Attack Strength, and a further +2 bonus from the Armband of Swordmastery. Obviously neither of those are relevant when it comes to fighting something with a bow. The question is, have I been applying those bonuses to this fight in the past? I can't remember, but it seems likely. From now on, unless I have a high Skill, I think I'll have to save up my prayer to Libra so that I can get past this encounter without any problems. I'd used it already this time, to escape from Red-Eye prison, so it wasn't an option.