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Cover by Peter Andrew Jones |
The once-peaceful world of Orb is in terrible danger. Dark forces are at work to unleash the awesome might of the Evil One - and only YOU can stop them. YOUR mission is to destroy the Talisman of Death before the dark lord's minions reach you. But beware! Time is running out...
With the first ten Fighting Fantasy books behind me, I've come to a whole new era. Previously, Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone had been the major creative forces behind the series, writing nine out of ten books and firmly establishing the tone and style. From this point onward, however, books written by those two gentlemen will be few and far between. There are plenty of good authors to come, and plenty of great books, but the quality varies a lot more going forward than it did in the past.
Thankfully, Talisman of Death is helmed by two of the most reliable gamebook writers out there: Jamie Thomson and Mark Smith. They'll pop up again in the future of FF, and their work outside of the series - most notably the Way of the Tiger gamebooks - is also great. There are some stinkers on the way, but for now we're in safe hands.
The background to this one is a bit unusual, in that it's a fantasy adventure that's definitely not set on Titan. Nor do you play the typical adventurer. No, in this book you hail from modern day Earth, and have been whisked away by the gods of Orb to aid them in their time of need. You awaken in the Garden of the Gods, where you are met by a pale female, with a robe of many colours and an eyeless face, and a man who is at one moment old and wise, and the next an infant. The gods explain that they've brought you to Orb to stop a "fatal upset in the balance of nature", and that you of everyone on Earth have the best chance of fighting "him who would bring Chaos to Orb". With little else in the way of explanation, they send you down to the surface to get on with things. It's okay, you have a sword and somehow you know how to use it.
(As an aside, I've sometimes played this book as a sequel to House of Hell. After all, what Earth resident would be better equipped for this quest than the one who took down the Master of the House of Drumer?)
For my first attempt at Talisman of Death, I rolled a Skill of 9, a Stamina of 16 and a Luck of 7. Not a promising start, to be honest. My inventory included a sword, leather armour, a backpack, 10 provisions, flint & tinder, and five torches. I also had the option of one of three potions, and chose the potion of Fortune, hoping to offset my terrible Luck score. A quick skim of the rules showed that this was standard FF, with nary a rules variant to be found.
I awoke in a huge chamber, deep underground, and before I could get my bearings an infernal howling filled the air. I heard running footsteps approaching, and decided to hide in a nearby archway. As I neared it there was a click and a rumbling sound ahead, and a trembling beneath my feet. I stopped my headlong flight just in time, as a slab of rock crashed down from the ceiling, covering the archway completely. I drew my sword to face whatever was coming.
A shieldmaiden in chainmail burst into the room, followed by a paladin, a priest, and a wizard in a smiling golden mask. They were obviously fleeing from whatever it was that made the howls. The woman demanded to know what I was doing in the Rift, the "spawning place of all evil". I told them that I was on a quest against evil, but the priest was able to tell that I was lying with a spell. (I'm not sure why this is a lie, I thought the gods made it pretty clear.) Once again, the shieldmaiden demanded the truth, but I told them to sod off and mind their own business. After all, I didn't know who they were either.
After some deliberation, the adventurers decided to use me in their own schemes, and the masked wizard cast a spell that hypnotised me (and dropped my Luck to 6). While I was hypnotised, they had time to do some exposition at me, and I learned what was up on Orb. The minions of the god of death had long ago fashioned the Talisman of Death, which would allow them to summon their god when the time was right. That time was coming, and so the Loremasters of Serakub had sent a band of crusaders into the Rift to recover the talisman. Only these four remained, but they had succeeded. With the story over, the wizard handed me the talisman, and tasked me with returning it to my own world, out of the reach of Death's minions. The hypnotic spell forced me to accept, but I would have done it anyway, as getting home was the number one thing on my mind.
The wizard told me to head west for Greyguilds-on-the-Moor, where I might discover a way of getting home. He also gave me a pouch containing 10 gold pieces. Finally he cast a spell, and I was transported out of the Rift, but not before seeing the four adventurers overwhelmed by an onslaught of Trolls and Dark Elves. Serves them right, the hypnotising gits.
I materialised on the edge of a huge chasm; the Rift, no doubt. To my left I could see some hills, and to my right a forest that extended all the way to the hills. Reasoning that I might be pursued, I decided to get under the cover of the trees.
In the forest I soon came to a clearing, where a huge, white she-wolf was suckling two cubs. She growled at me, but I offered her some dried meat to placate her (leaving me with 9 provisions). As soon as I did, a green-robed figure stepped into the clearing, announcing that he was Wodeman, Guardian Druid of the Sacred Grove.
He gave me a blessing (which restored my Luck to 7), and also gave me a golden apple. Thanking the druid, I took my leave. (Does this encounter actually accomplish anything? The golden apple can restore 4 Stamina, but that's of equal effectiveness to the provision I just lost feeding the wolf. I guess there's a Luck bonus, but unless that golden apple is used for something else it's not really that helpful.)
For some time I forced my way through the undergrowth, reaching the hills, until I rounded a corner and saw a brown lizard with eight legs basking in the sun. Armed with an exhaustive knowledge of the AD&D Monster Manual, I realised that this was a Basilisk and left the path to find a way around it before it could turn me to stone. (This is supposed to be me, right? From Earth, with all of my knowledge? Knowing about monster stuff is pretty much all I'd be able to bring to the table here.) The going was heavy, and I was forced to eat a provision to restore my strength (leaving me with 8).
Eventually the hills gave way to a desolate moor, where I was accosted by a band of warrior-women on horseback, who demanded to know what I was doing out here alone. Not wishing to give away my quest, I told them that I was the last survivor of an ambushed caravan, and when pressed on the caravan's departure point I told them it was Serakub. This seemed to satisfy their captain, and she agreed to escort me to Greyguilds.
I was dropped off in Greyguilds, and soon came to the junction of Store Street and Smith Street. Continuing down Store Street, I was interrupted by a woman in green robes who wanted to know who I was and where I came from. Again not wanting to give myself away, I told her I was just passing through and hurried on.
I noticed that the stores were closing, and people were hurrying home. A carriage pulled by black mares reined in beside me, and inside I saw an empty coffin with my own name on it. The carriage door opened, and a man stepped out and introduced himself as the Envoy of Death, saying that he had come for the Talisman. As he spoke, his handsome features transformed, and he became a skeletal figure grasping a rapier.
I denied having the talisman, but the Envoy wasn't fooled. He stabbed me with his rapier, and my life felt as though it was draining away (reducing my Stamina to 14, and my Skill to 8). I had a fight on my hands against the Envoy of Death (Skill 8, Stamina 6). We were on equal terms, but I was able to defeat him without suffering another wound (which would have drained me of Skill as well as Stamina; all but 1 would have been restored at the end of the battle).
Store Street soon turned into Booker's Walk, where I saw two grand buildings. Some young people in blue togas were entering one, and the other appeared to be a library. I entered the library, and asked to read something about the Gods. I learned about Fell-Kyrinla, swordsmistress of the Heavens (and patron of the warrior-women who had escorted me to Greyguilds); her opposite Rocheval, God of Paladins; the All-Mother, preserver of life; Anarchil, breaker of edifices, who spurns order; and Avatar the One, essence of light. (None of these seem to match the two gods I met at the beginning of the book.) By that time night was falling, so I took my leave and went back into the streets.
While searching for an inn along Booker's Walk, I stepped on an inexplicably placed man-trap, which snapped shut on my leg (reducing my Stamina to 12). Black robed figures emerged from the shadows, declaring themselves as Priests of Death, and one of them took the Talisman. Just then a group of warrior-women also appeared, and a fight broke out. One of the women beheaded the bearer of the Talisman and rode away with it. I was left to rot, my leg still caught in the man-trap.
After some time a man came along and helped me get free. He offered me a place to sleep for the night, and I accepted, having had little success with mistrusting everyone. He took me back to his bungalow, and I got a good night's sleep (restoring my Stamina to 16).
I awoke to find the man sitting, watching me. (Creep.) His name was Apothecus, and he was a sage of history. Apparently I had talked in my sleep, so I decided to tell him everything. He said that the Talisman would be in the Temple of Fell-Kyrinla, in possession of the high priestess Hawkana. I would need to steal it back at all costs, and to do that Apothecus recommended that I contact the thieves at the Red Dragon Inn. He also gave me 5 gold pieces and a ring that would increase my skill at arms (restoring my Skill to 9). Finally he invited me to dinner later that day, giving me a jade rose that I could show him as proof that I'm not a shape-changer.
I headed for the inn, and on the way passed two students in blue togas fighting. One of them dropped a brass tiger charm, but I ignored them and kept going until I reached the Red Dragon.
I paid the barman for an ale (leaving me with 14 gold), and looked around. Aside from the barman there was an old man cleaning tables, and a group of six surly men who "looked like thieves". I tried to befriend the barman, and he told me a story about a man named Heimdol, and how he was embarrassed and killed by a warrior named Tyutchev, a follower of Anarchil. Doubting the relevance of this tale, I decided to approach the thieves.
They were not welcoming, but I told them I needed help with some unfinished business which might prove profitable to them. They told me to meet them at midday tomorrow at the Thieves' Guild, via the disguised coal-hole on Hornbeam Road.
Two newcomers entered the inn, a warrior named Tyutchev and an armoured woman named Cassandra. Tyutchev went to order a drink while Cassandra sat opposite me. The thieves all scattered.
I introduced myself, and they asked what brought me to the Red Dragon. While I was thinking, Cassandra decided to throw a knife at the table right near my hand, which I'm sure was a perfectly friendly gesture. I told them I had just come for a drink, then I apologised and left. (I got a Luck bonus for surviving the Red Dragon, so I gather that the whole scene could have gone much worse.)
I decided to return for dinner with Apothecus, ignoring an offer from a young boy to make some money by helping a scholar. After showing the jade rose I was let in, and introduced to Diodorus, a friend of Apothecus. He was an expert on inter-planar travel, and told me that I could find a portal at the top of Mount Star-reach, southeast of Greyguilds. Apothecus told me that I could call on the All-Mother for aid at the time of my greatest need, so long as I was not in the temple of another god.
The next day I set off for the guild, ignoring a street magician who was performing for the crowd. I found the coal-hole on Hornbeam Road, and entered the Thieves' Guild, where I was introduced to Vagrant, the Guildmaster (and his awesome mustache).
I told Vagrant that I needed his help to steal something. He asked me what it was, and I told him that it was in the temple of Fell-Kyrinla, but I didn't want to reveal that I was after the Talisman. Vagrant thanked me, and I was suddenly shot dead by a volley of arrows.
My spirit drifted towards the Valley of Death, but I was intercepted by the two gods who had summoned me at the beginning. They offered to wind back time, placing me back on the lip of the Rift. I accepted the offer, and I was back at the start of my quest. (My stats were all restored, and my inventory was back to where it started, with the Talisman of Death back in my possession.)
This time I ignored the forest, and decided to make straight for the hills over the open plains. This was a terrible idea, as I was pursued by a band of Orcs from the south, and a band of Dark Elves from the north. I decided to hide in a sulfurous crack, hoping the vapours would conceal me. I was spotted however, and as I was drawing my sword one of the Orcs grabbed my belt pouch. The Orcs fought over the gold that spilled out, and I was able to make my escape just as the Dark Elves arrived to restore order. (I now had no gold, though.)
I came to a pool and a gnarled old willow, and felt suddenly sleepy. Unfortunately I succumbed to the suggestion to fall asleep (failing a Luck test that reduced my score to 6), and sank into the waters. I had been charmed by a Willow Weird (Skill 8, Stamina 12), which was now pummeling me as I drowned (reducing my Stamina to 12). The pain shocked me awake, and I was able to defeat the Willow Weird after a hard-fought battle (which further reduced my Stamina to 6).
I beat a hasty retreat, only to find that I was still being pursued by Dark Elves that were sniffing out my trail. I plunged into a shallow river to throw off the scent, and after a time scrambled up the opposite bank, and this seemed to throw them off. (The strain of the chase reduced my Stamina to 4.)
I had reached the moors beyond the hills, and was once again accosted by the warrior-women. This time I explained my quest to them in full. The captain demanded my sword, which I refused to give, but it was taken from me by force (reducing my Skill to 7). I was unable to resist, and so I was taken as a captive to Greyguilds.
In Greyguilds I was told that I would be taken to Hawkana. I sat quietly to see what would happen, and I was taken to the watch-house. There I met Hawkana, a striking woman who was High Priestess of Fell-Kyrinla and Marshal of the Watch. She stripped me of the Talisman and had me thrown into the street.
Out in the street I decided to go down the Street of Seven Sins. I found the Red Dragon Inn, but it was closed. Suddenly I saw footsteps appearing in a pile of sawdust. I scooped up some dirt and flung it in that direction, revealing a man-like form moving towards me. It was an Unseen Stalker (Skill 7, Stamina 8), and I would have to fight it. The Stalker wounded me once (reducing my Stamina to 2) before I could kill it with my bare hands. (I probably should have died here, but I forgot that my Skill had been reduced to do not having a sword.)
I searched for a stable to spend the night, and soon found one with an inviting bed of straw. I wolfed down three provisions (restoring my Stamina to 14) before going to sleep. In my dreams I saw the paladin from the Rift, who said that I should seek the help of the Thieves Guild. (Really? Because the buggers already killed me once.) He then told me to wake up, which was just as well, because I was about to be murdered by an armored Death Knight (Skill 10, Stamina 15).
The Death Knight was more than a match for me, and quickly had me at death's door (reducing my Stamina to 6 after I dealt him a single blow). To my amazement, the Paladin appeared, cutting the Death Knight in two with his Holy Sword. He disappeared, but the sword remained, and I was glad to claim it. (Picking it up restored my Stamina to 12, and gave me a +1 bonus to Skill).
After sleeping the rest of the night, I found a gold piece in the straw before heading off to find the thieves at the Red Dragon Inn. Once again I passed the quarreling students, and this time I decided to return their brass tiger charm. They thanked me, then kept on fighting (and my Luck was restored to 7).
At the Red Dragon, I bought a drink with my last gold piece and decided to talk to the old man cleaning tables. He warned me that the inn was dangerous, which was hardly news, and I went to talk to the thieves again. After organising a meeting I once again met Tyutchev and Cassandra. I tried to leave immediately, but Tyutchev told me to stay. I did so, and then told him I was looking for some thieves. Tyutchev told me he was a thief, but was needed at his temple and wasn't interested in helping me. I took this as an opportunity to get the hell out of there (and restored my Luck to 7).
With no invitation from Apothecus this time, I took a walk down Merchant Street. I saw an Alchemist Shop, but had no gold to buy anything. Heading down Carriage Street I came to an inn called the Silver Trinket. It looked much nicer than the Red Dragon, so I went inside, and was allowed to eat and rest as long as I did the washing up (restoring my Stamina to 16).
The next day I went to the Thieves' Guild, and this time I told Vagrant all about the Talisman of Death. He was intrigued, and after a few hours I was ready to sneak into the temple of Fell-Kyrinla with a posse at my back.
The thieves and I made our way inside the temple, and while one of them was disarming a trap I saw an old serving-man passing by. I decided to spare him, hoping he hadn't seen us, but I was wrong. Soon enough the alarm sounded, and my "comrades" had scattered. I bolted down some stairs, hiding behind a tapestry as a group of guards went by (this required a Luck test that reduced my score to 6; I drank my potion to bump it back up to 8).
At the bottom of the stairs another guard was on duty (Skill 7, Stamina 8). I tried to dispatch her quickly, but even with my holy sword I was too slow. The other guards came back down the stairs and overwhelmed me.
Once again my soul was winging its way to the Valley of Death, and I was given the option of turning back time. My spirit was weary though, and I declined. My adventure was over!
I did okay, I think, even though I made some stupid decisions that hindered me in recovering the Talisman. Too many times I was distrustful when I shouldn't have been, and as usual I did some dumb things just to see what would happen. This book does have a way of funneling you onto the right track, though, which is refreshingly forgiving. I also wonder how many times you can be resurrected; there's no means of tracking it, so it might be unlimited. It's possible that I could have just kept trying over and over, and knocked this book off in one go. This post is already mammoth enough, though, I don't need it getting any bigger.